Thursday, January 20, 2011

Easing back into the food blog...

So after a long hiatus (during which time I finished grad school classes and moved to a different city) it is the triumphant return of the food blog!  My camera is full of pictures of food, and sadly at this point I have no idea what any of the recipes were.  I can't even reliably remember which ones were delicious and which ones were not.  Except for the lamb stew, which will make an appearance sometime in the future if for no other reason than I want to cook it again.

So, to ease back into blogging, and to be lazy and avoid having to type out ingredients and measurements, this post will not be a new recipe. Instead I'm going to refer back to Jeff's post: A Salad Named Tuna, from June.

Pretty much immediately after reading that post, I had to try this tuna salad.  I'm not always a fan of tuna salad (or egg salad, or some potato salads...) because I find mayonaise is often inherently disgusting.  But not in this case!

So we pretty much followed Jeff's recipe, except we used fresh dill instead of dried dill (because we had it and it is delicious).

Jeff was definitely right, removing the water from the tuna was important.  I seem to remember that we bought some sort of fancy canned tuna, possibly because that was the only thing we could buy at our weird Manhattan grocery store, possibly because I was swayed by the fact that it promised I wouldn't be eating dolphins.  Who knows! But it ended up nice and dry (in a good way) and delicious.

This really is some sort of magical tuna salad recipe, because it is full of things I don't like on their own--mayonnaise, hard boiled eggs, celery...canned tuna.  But somehow combined it becomes magically delicious!

We decided to butter up the bread and add...some sort of cheese, maybe swiss? and make tuna melt/grilled cheese sandwiches.  This can be a messy process, as you can see the tuna tried to escape from the bread.

The end result was incredibly delicious. Writing this post and looking at the pictures makes me want to make it again...and I think I have some fresh dill in the refrigerator...